Managing Hazardous Trees: Why prompt tree removal is critical in Edmonton Alberta

Hazardous Tree

In Edmonton, Alberta, we are very fortunate to have many species of trees that make our city look beautiful and provide benefits like shade, aesthetics, clean air, and help reduce noise pollution. However, some species of trees can become very hazardous very quickly, especially if they are diseased, decayed, damaged from windstorms or snowstorms, or are old or unstable. These hazardous trees can pose a very significant danger to people, animals, structures, vehicles, and property. It is important to manage these hazardous trees properly and quickly to prevent accidents and property damage. Tree removal may be an option to be considered to mitigate these risks.

When a tree is considered hazardous, it means that it has a higher likelihood of it breaking, falling over, and or failing. This means it can fall over entirely or lose large heavy branches very unexpectedly and suddenly. Hazardous tree failure is a significant risk in a densely populated city like Edmonton Alberta, where large trees are often located near schools, houses, structures, vehicles, businesses, sidewalks, and roads. If a large hazardous tree does fail and fall, it can cause serious injuries to people, and animals, or damage buildings, vehicles, utility service lines, and other property. These risks can be significantly lessened with professional tree care or tree removal.

In addition to the many serious safety risks posed by hazardous trees, they can also have very significant financial consequences. If a homeowner’s hazardous tree fails or falls and damages property or injures a person or animal, the cost of repairs and medical bills can be extremely high. Homeowners can be held liable for any damages caused by a hazardous tree on their property. By hiring a professional arborist who is skilled in hazardous tree removal, a homeowner can reduce their legal liability and avoid financial losses. A homeowner or property owner should have their trees inspected for hazards, by a professional arborist annually at the bare minimum.

Hazardous trees can also have an impact on the environment. If a tree is diseased or infested with insects, it can spread the disease or insects to other trees and shrubs in the immediate area. This can harm the urban environment and reduce the aesthetic appeal of other trees and shrubs in the neighbourhood. In order to help prevent the spread of various tree diseases and insects, hazardous trees should be professionally inspected and considered for tree removal.

If you suspect that you have a hazardous tree on your property, it is absolutely essential for you to act swiftly! You should contact an I.S.A. Certified Arborist or a professional tree service company with lots of experience to assess your tree's health and determine the appropriate course of action, whether that be tree removal, cabling, bracing, or pruning. Depending on the severity of the tree-related problem, the tree may be able to be pruned, cabled, braced, reinforced, treated, and saved, or prompt tree removal may be required to protect the public and prevent extensive property damage.

Tree Hazard Assessment

 In conclusion, managing hazardous trees is critical in Edmonton, Alberta to prevent accidents, property damage, and harm to the urban environment. Property owners and homeowners should be aware of the various risks posed by hazardous trees and act immediately if they suspect a tree on their property is hazardous. It is wise to be proactive and call an I.S.A. Certified Arborist or a highly experienced tree service company before disaster strikes.

Contacting an I.S.A. Certified Arborist or professional tree service company for a hazard tree assessment and advice on the best course of action for your trees is essential. By removing hazardous trees promptly, we can help keep our communities safe, healthy, and beautiful.