When You Should Hire a Professional Tree Removal Service in Edmonton


An object falling accelerates to 9.8 meters per second squared. A little less if you account for air resistance. Now imagine a falling tree branch hurtling towards your car or home.

Decay, age, and damage can weaken trees and heavy limbs. Incorrect growth habits break pavements or foundations. Sometimes the only choice is tree removal. If a tree is small, you might consider trying to do it yourself.

But should you?

Tree removal is risky and can endanger people and property. Sure you might save a few dollars with a DIY project or you could expose yourself to a big uninsured loss. Alberta has a legendary healthcare system, but do you want to take a chance on visiting it when a professional tree removal is an option?

Read on to learn more.

Choose Professional Tree Removal to Avoid Hazards

When there is a tree on your property that needs removal for any reason, you might have a concern about the costs. Don't assume that DIY is lower cost. Unless you own the proper tools and have sufficient training, DIY is a very expensive prospect.

Here are some reasons why:

Tree Removal Requires Tools

Depending on the size and type of tree, you will need saws, axes, root pullers and more. You may also need scaffolding, safety net, and special service to haul all of the debris away.

If you don't already own equipment, borrowing or acquiring the right tools for the job is a time-consuming prospect. Dynamite isn't an approved tool, for example. Beyond that, the disposal of the debris costs money.

In addition to the wood, you have leaves and small branches unsuitable for modern fireplaces. You may also need a truck haul away debris and the patience to feed wood into a chipper. If you plan on removing the stump to prevent regrowth, that takes specialized equipment too. 

You Can't Control Gravity

Damage and decay can leave your tree very unstable. Cutting the wrong spot can cause an unexpected fall or direction change. Professional tree removal experts have years of experience to draw from. 

If your tree damage is enough for you to take a tree down, then it is damaged enough to need an expert. Taking down a tree requires controlling risks. This means precise falls on a strict timetable.

Falling branches and the precise direction of the trunk fall need expert knowledge. If there are obstacles between the branches and the ground or a question of control, do you really want the responsibility?

With Power Comes Responsibility

Power, telephone and cable lines in and around the tree are extreme hazards. One small mistake can not only inconvenience all your neighbors with a power or network outage. Touching a live power line can be fatal.

In addition, an arcing or sparking wire can ignite a fire. Green debris from a tree can cover over a smoldering spark and allow it to burn unchecked for hours. A local council could decide to fine you for the full cost of repairs or emergency response.

Local utility companies often use a certain tree service to deal with trees interfering with wires. Their job is to clear the wire. Often they do not care for the tree. It is better to avoid this kind of service.

What to Look for in a Tree Removal Service

Obviously, you want a competitive price. Make sure to give the same specifics to several companies when you place your job out to bid. You may find a wide variation in prices.

Some things to consider:

  • Experience

  • Insurance

  • Tree Type

  • Stump Removal

As mentioned, bringing a tree down is the easy part. Control and timing are much more difficult. Look for an experienced professional tree service. Consider the whole crew assigned to your job, not just the company ownership.

It almost goes without saying, check the company's insurance coverage. A professional tree removal service carries both liability insurance and accident coverage against damages.

Look for Education and Equipment

Look for a certified arborist to care for your tree. Some trees may not need removal at all. Other trees need an arborist to examine decay and damage to bring branches down safely.

Some operations send a person climbing up a tree with nothing but a harness and toe spikes. This can damage a live tree. Look for less invasive methods for trees you wish to save.

Finally, ask for stump removal. Stump decay in the ground can lead to re-growth or pockets of unstable ground. Although it is less likely in Edmonton, swarms of termites have been known to migrate from tasty tree roots to cozy home framing.

Compare Time, Process and Costs

Look at how the professionals will approach your job. Are the necessary safety precautions taken? Do you have an accurate estimate of the size and condition of your tree? What is included in your estimate?

Finding the Best Tree Removal in Edmonton  

You could use a search engine or collect advertisements from your local news to find names and numbers. However, the best source is trusted, friends and neighbors. Look for recommendations from people in Sherwood Park, Edmonton, and St. Albert.

All professional tree removal services should be happy to offer testimonials of their work and give you references. The very best companies offer a knowledgeable and accurate cost estimate. Look for the use of correct equipment.

Using lifts, stump grinders and other professional equipment require training and a certain investment into the business. A fly-by-night operation might offer a low, low price, but not get the job done correctly.

Alberta Arborists has more than 22 years of experience with local trees and offers a full range of services. Owner Craig Jabs and crew service residential, commercial and municipal trees.  Do you need to know more about tree removal? 

Contact us now for a free estimate. 

Tree RemovalAaron Mumby