Is it Time to Remove a Birch Tree?

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Birch trees are popular with homeowners through their combination of attractive branches, moderate size, and handsome bark. Unfortunately, they are not without problems, and many owners are unclear on how to protect their trees.

The birch tree has a shallow root system which leaves it very sensitive to heat and drought. It needs moist, cool soil, as well as plenty of available sunshine. When planting, you should choose an area that can shade roots in the afternoon but provide sun to the canopy for most of the day.

Infections in Birch Trees

Some of the most common afflictions that can affect a birch tree are bugs and tree diseases, like birch cankers, scorch, and heart rots, as well as borers, leafminers and aphids. Many of these insect and disease conditions can weaken the tree and lead to tree death if not treated.

Keep an eye open for winding galleries just beneath the bark in the trunk and thinning at the top of the crown of the tree, small green spots on the leaf surface in May or June and ants. Typically, any issues can be resolved by trimming or pruning the affected limbs, but without supervision and care, they can kill or weaken the tree enough that you may have to remove it. You should consider calling a professional arborist to trim, depending on the size of the area affected.

Tree Health Checklist

If you’re unsure if your tree is healthy, there are a few things to check for. Depending on the time of year, are there soft, full buds on the branches? If they are shriveled and dry, check the other branches. It’s not unusual for some branches to die off, but the rest of the tree should be fine.

Try snapping off the tip of one of the twigs. If it snaps clean off, you may have a problem, but if it bends, there’s still life in it. If you’re still concerned, you can scratch into the bark of your tree just a couple of millimeters to check the cambium, the life-giving part of the tree, where all the other cells are produced. If you’ve got healthy looking cambium, there’s hope. Birch cambium is typically pale when first revealed, but turns reddish-brown when exposed to air.

If you suspect a problem with your trees, call a certified arborist right away for an evaluation and to find out potential treatment options. Tree care experts can help protect your trees and keep your landscape beautiful.

Want to have your birch tree removed? 

If you're not sure whether to have your birch tree removed or not, you should consult an arborist. He or she will be able to examine the tree and advice on the best course of action. If tree removal is the required, you shouldn't do it yourself. It would be best to let professional tree removal experts deal with it. At Alberta Arborists, we have helped countless people get rid of trees safely and efficiently, and we can help you, too. Our highly experienced arborists are trained to deal with any tree removal in any location and to ensure no damage is done to your property. 

Contact us today for a free, no-obligation estimate of your job, and save your money, time (and body) from taking care of the tree removal yourself.