10 Shrubs Best Suited for Central Alberta

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Residents of the Calgary-Edmonton corridor and other parts of Central Alberta often wake up to find their lovingly planted Alberta shrubs decapitated by the extreme winter. The cold Arctic influence make Alberta any casual gardener's nightmare. If you crave to see blooms peeking out of your snow white garden, read through this list of ten shrubs that will not just survive, but flourish in Alberta's harsh climate.


Thankfully, one of the best landscaping shrubs sits well with Alberta's climate. Syringia vulgaris, or common lilac, as it is better known, yields fragrant bunches of flowers in summers. Victor Lemoine's 153 French cultivars also flourish in Alberta. Lilacs need protection from powdery mildew in late summers.


These shrubs are sturdy and will survive winters. They will also bedeck your garden with red currants and gooseberries, provided you can save the fruits from fruit fly which is a common pest in central Alberta. You can coax these shrubs into a variety of shapes through pruning.

Tart Cherry

Prunus cerasus has been around since 300 B.C. and will grow nicely in your yard. These shrubs require minimal care and will be happily consumed in the kitchen.

Dwarf Korean Lilac

Another lilac on our list, this one is ideal for making hedges. The fragrance is more prominent than the common and French lilacs. These will require regular pruning as they tend to grow big and fast.

Powderface Willow

Taxonomically, Salix commutate, powderface willow grows in upright parallel branches of up to 1 meter height. It forms a low hedge and grows neatly without spilling out. The branches are hairy white in the winter and have small catkins in late summer.

Nanking Cherry

It is valuable for its fruits that are similar to tart cherry and white or pink colored delicate flowers. It grows irregularly and needs regular pruning. The height doesn't cross 3m but it grows wide.

Red Osier Dogwood

Most Alberta shrubs require sun but this one will grow even in the shade. Cornus sericea is prized for its shapely flowers, leaves, stems, and color.

Dwarf Birch

Betula Glandulosa has distinctive catkins. It grows regularly and will not require extensive pruning. You need to safeguard them against leaf insects.

Mugo Pine

It is excellent for pruning into a number of shapes. Dwarf mountain pine has some varieties that change color according to the season.
Planting shrubs can be both tiresome and time consuming. As such, it is best to let professional tree care experts do the work for you.