When is the Best Time of Year for a Cheap Tree Removal?

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Set the Time to Remove Your Tree 

When it comes to landscaping projects, the two biggest roadblocks you will encounter are money and time. A good way to avoid spending too much of either of these is to ensure that you pre-plan to ensure that you spend the least amount of time working on a certain project. This same approach carries over to cheap tree removal. One of the quickest way to cut down on your tree removal bill is to choose the right time of year.

Your Time Options

Much like repairing a car, there is a labor cost for having professionals remove your tree, representing both the time they spend on removal as well as the tools or equipment that they need to do the job. If you’re looking to save, you want to find the easiest time of year to remove a tree, which is generally the period of dormancy. For regions with distinct seasons, this generally runs from late winter to early spring.

What Makes This Cheaper?

In general, the dormant season is preferred because it is easier to actually cut the tree, meaning that it takes less time and you’ll pay less for labor. In addition, if you’re only planning on removing certain branches of a tree, the dormant season is still the best. Doing it at another time causes your tree unneeded stress, which could affect its health down the line. That is quite a price to pay for just wanting one branch gone.

Exceptions to The Rule

If you’re trying to bring down a tree by yourself, working in this dormant period may be not be the easiest thing to time, especially if you live in an area with inclement weather. However, in some cases, the cheapest time of year to remove a tree may already be decided for you. For example, trees that are dead or dying due to disease or stress can easily pose a falling hazard or risk spreading disease to other trees. Here, you don’t want to wait until the dormancy period as opposed to doing it as soon as possible. This still isn’t the cheapest, but it is the safest option.

Another way to make sure that you are getting some good value is by enlisting a professional tree service.